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Victories in Valleys

The challenge is we don't always get to pick the battles that come before us. As such, the temptation is to want to settle where it is comfortable away from the tensions that can surround us. No matter the battle, the storm, or the valley before you, you must be willing to step into it in order to recieve the next victory Jesus has for you.


Beyond Blessed

We are blessed to be a blessing. Living the life God has called us into is not only about being generous, it is also about proper stewardship and management. When we begin to understand and practice God's principles, it changes everything and helps us focus on what is truly important: our relationship with God, family, and others. It is time to step into a life beyond blessed in Christ!



Our broken world is overrun and consumed with limitations that cause us to settle for what is deemed impossible. In and of our own ability, they are truly not possible. But God wants us to discover what is possible with Him! It's time to unlock the miraculous in our lives through Christ and see the impossible become possible.

Setback Comeback Time For A Breakthrough

Setback < Comeback

We live in a majorly broken world and in the midst of a seriously tense season. We constantly encounter problems, difficulties, losses, and failures that look to hold and set us back. But that is not God's plan for your life! He wants you to overcome any setback and then set you on a path to achieve your comeback through Him.


Missions Month: All Things New

God's heart is global, and so is ours! Regardless of how your year has gone, nothing (not even COVID) can negate the fact that God has promised to make "all things new" starting with you. Join us this month as we align ourselves with God's greater vision and mission that calls us to capture His glorious heartbeat to reach the one near and far with His transforming love.


Getting Through What You're Going Through

You will go through tough times, and you will experience major losses in life. But you were not destined to give up when the going gets tough; you were made to overcome it all through Jesus. In this series we will unpack biblical and godly principles that will enable us to get through no matter what we are going through.


So You've Heard

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus points out what others have heard from "experts" regarding major topics in life. But then He redirects and challenges everyone to hear His guiding voice to discover the grander purpose for their (and our) lives.



God is not a distant deity, nor is He just a historical figure. He is the living God, the great I AM. While these statements are familiar, we often forget they are for us today. As you read these statements, may you discover the divine life Jesus intended you to both discover and live out daily.


Double Blessing

The word ‘blessed’ has unfortunately been hijacked to mean something different from what God intended. God’s true blessing is greater than anything the world could ever give. God calls all of us to not only receive His blessings, but also to manage and use what we have been given to bring glory to Him and grace to those around us.


ALL Things NEW

What God wants to do isn't simply about things around specifically involves you. He wants you to be who He made you to be. And the new He envisioned, starts within you!


Living Victoriously

Spiritual attacks are real, and they can wreak havoc on people’s lives today. But we don’t need to lose these spiritual wrestling matches because Christ is our wrestling coach. Jesus saves and frees us, even from our pride!


Month of Missions

We are a global in our city church that believes in doing everything we can to spread the Gospel around the world. This Series is a glimpse of how God is using theCARINGplace to reach the one.


The Adventure Is Here

In the midst of a broken and dying world, we are called to be the adventurous and victorious church of Jesus seeing new life arise around us!



Married, single, divorced, remarried, many siblings, no relatives, parents, grandparents...all of us must rise up and hit the mark..for this generation and the generations to come!

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The sworn enemy of your soul has tried to work everything against you from the start. Yet amazingly, when we turn to Christ, we discover that God has been working everything for good (even the worst of situations). Don't settle for allowing the enemy to rig things against you; allow God to show you that He has rigged everything for your redemption and deliverance!



Guest Speakers, Stand Alone Sermons, and Special Events that happen periodically through the year.

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